Tributes to Niall Ó Murchú
The Chairperson of Paper Trail passed this week but left behind a legacy of community work.
This week I marked the passing of my great friend Niall Ó Murchú who died after a battle with cancer. He was only 50 years of age.
Niall was also Chair of the charity, Paper Trail Legacy Archive Research, throughout its 10-year existence. In his spare time, he also volunteered for Paper Trail and was a member of the Victims Forum for many years, fighting for the basic rights of victims and survivors of the British/Irish conflict regardless of their background.
He has packed so much more into his short life and you can read about that here »>
Among the many families who will sadly miss him are the campaigning families impacted by the McGurk’s Bar Massacre. Niall was a constant supporter and adviser over the last two decades.
His greatest accomplishment for the families may now be his help in convincing the Attorney General to order new inquests into the 15 murders in late April 2024 just before his diagnosis with cancer.
His passing made local and national news.
Tributes in the Media
Irish News: North Belfast victims’ campaigner remembered for his campaigning work
North Belfast News: Tributes paid to teacher and lawyer, Niall Ó Murchú
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Niall is survived by 4 fine sons, his partner Rosie, and his loving family.
The work of the charity Paper Trail will be a small part of his great legacy too.